Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This quote from the man that The Messiah thought highly enough of to nominate to his cabinet:

All the presidents -- including George Bush -- since the beginning of our republic, will not have run up as much debt as this budget will run up in the first period of its term.


So, you essentially have set up a scenario here under this bdget, where we will pass on to our children in the very near future, at about the end of four years from now, a debt-to-GDP ratio which is unsustainable and a deficit ratio which is unsustainable. And that means our kids are going to have a hard time digging themselves out of this hole.

Think about that: a doubling of the national debt -- not the deficit, but the debt -- in five years. Remember the hue and cry over the need of an extra digit on the debt clock in Times Square? In five years, if this plan proceeds, we will need an entire additional clock.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is America?

What happened to Land of Liberty, let freedom ring, and all that?

But these virtues are more than offset by the more radical features of Obama’s plan: spending at levels previously thought unimaginable, deficits as far ahead as the eye can see, a significant redistribution of the nation’s income from wealth creators to dependants on the state, government takeovers of significant sectors of the economy, more regulation of almost every business.

Welcome to the Facist States of Obamerica.

Oh, and someone remind me: wasn't Obama supposed to make the Europeans like us again? Take a look at where this article is from.

Big spender Obama sets the red ink flowing