Friday, August 31, 2007

Someone finally gets it!

A truer headline has never been written: Clinton, Edwards butt heads

Thanks, Dave!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This is what it's come to

The moonbats are so infected with BDS that they're advocating a military coup... or something like it that flies in the face of the constitution.


General Pace, You Can Save the US - by Arresting Bush for "Conduct Unbecoming"

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Edwards, Kerry - A match made in narcissism hell

In his column Tuesday, Warthen wrote about three episodes he had with Edwards during the latter's presidential primary campaign and vice presidential bid alongside John Kerry in 2004. In each, he described Edwards as a man who put on a show for audiences, but showed utter disregard for individuals behind the scenes.

Any wonder why Edwards and John Kerry were a perfect match for each other?

South Carolina Editorial Blasts Edwards on Image, Campaign Fights Back: